Don’t want to click another ‘Play’ button just to get into the game? Me neither!
Disabling the Paradox Launcher (Windows)
- Press the Windows key (it looks like a flag) and type in “command”.
- Right-click Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.
- Right-click Across the Obelisk (our favorite game!) in Steam and select Manage–>Browse local files.
- Click into the address bar and copy the path. It should look something like this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Across the Obelisk
- In Command Prompt, type “cd”, space, quotes, paste, quotes, e.g.
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Across the Obelisk"
- Press enter. You’re now in the matrix AtO folder!
- Copypaste the following in:
ren dowser.exe dowser.old
mklink dowser.exe AcrossTheObelisk.exe
mklink /j dowser_data AcrossTheObelisk_Data
- Press enter, then close command prompt.
You will need to re-do this every time there is a patch.
If you get a “data folder not found” error, then you may not have done the final step.
More Guides:
- Across the Obelisk – Beginners Tips
- Across the Obelisk – Basic Guide
- Across the Obelisk – Charge Explanatory Guide
- Across the Obelisk – How to Beat Infinite Rabbits
- Across the Obelisk – Bonus Game Mechanics Guide (How It Works)